Source : http://www.flickr.com/photos/kanegen/
The famous general Guan Yu in the Three Kingdoms was not only an expert at martial arts but also a men of courage. Once, while leading the army to fight, Guan Yu was shot by a poisonous arrow, which numbed his right arm. The highly skilled doctor-Hua Tuo got the news and came all the way to give him a special treatment. 

After checking the wound, Hua Tuo said, “the poison has reached the bone, and if not cured in time, you may lose this arm. The outside treatment won’t help at all now,and there is anly one way the cured it, which might scare you”. 

Guan Yu laughed and said, “even death won’t scare me. What could be scarier?” Huo Tuo added, “only by cutting open the flesh and scaping poison off the bone can the poisoned arm heal”. Hearing this, Guan YU said with a smile, “it’s not big deal to cut the flesh open”. 

Then he eternained Hua Tuo and asked him to do it. Hua Tuo took out the scalpel cutting open the flesh and scraped the black bone. Everyone present was frightened to cover their eyes and some even went white while Guan continued drinking and playing chess without any fear. 

After applying the medicine and suturing the wound, Guan Yu stood up stretching his arm and said, “  my arm can move again. Sir, you are really amazing”. Hua Tuo spoke highly of him, “since I started medical practice, I have never seen anyone like you. You are a magic general. “seeing the bloody water in the basin, everyone was shocked.

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